GEOREF - Geographical reference
GF - Ground fog
GICG - Glaze icing
GLFALSK - Gulf of Alaska
GLFCAL - Gulf of California
GLFMEX - Gulf of Mexico
GLFSTLAWR - Gulf of St. Lawrence
GND - Ground
GNDFG - Ground fog
GRAD - Gradient
GRDL - Gradual
GRDLY - Gradually
GRT - Great
GRTLY - Greatly
GRTR - Greater
GRTST - Greatest
GRTLKS - Great Lakes
GSTS - Gusts
GSTY - Gusty
GV - Ground visibility
HAZ - Hazard
HCVIS - High clouds visible
HDFRZ - Hard freeze
HDSVLY - Hudson Valley
HDWND - Head wind
HGT - Height
HI - High
HIER - Higher
HIFOR - High level forecast
HLF - Half
HLTP - Hilltop
HLSTO - Hailstones
HLYR - Haze layer aloft
HND - Hundred
HR - Hour
HRS - Hours
HRZN - Horizon
HTG - Heating
HURCN - Hurricane
HUREP - Hurricane report
HV - Have
HVY - Heavy
HVYR - Heavier
HVYST - Heaviest
HWVR - However
HWY - Highway
IA - Iowa
IC - Ice
ICG - Icing
ICGIC - Icing in clouds
ICGIP - Icing in precipitation
ID - Idaho
IL - Illinois
IMDT - Immediate
IMDTLY - Immediately
IMPL - Impulse
IMPLS - Impulses
IMPT - Important
INCL - Include
INCLD - Included
INCLG - Including
INCLS - Includes
INCR - Increase
INCRD - Increased
INCRG - Increasing
INCRGLY - Increasingly
INCRS - Increases
INDC - Indicate
INDCD - Indicated
INDCG - Indicating
INDCS - Indicates
INDEF - Indefinite
INFO - Information
INLD - Inland
INSTBY - Instability
INTCNTL - Intercontinental
INTL - International
INTMD - Intermediate
INTMT - Intermittent
INTMTLY - Intermittently
INTR - Interior
INTRMTRGN - Intermountain region
INTS - Intense
INTSFCN - Intensification
INTSFY - Intensify
INTSFYD - Intensified
INTSFYG - Intensifying
INTSFYS - Intensifies
INTSTY - Intensity
INTVL - Interval
INVRN - Inversion
IOVC - In overcast
INVOF - In vicinity of
IP - Ice pellets
IPV - Improve
IPVG - Improving
IR - Infrared
ISOL - Isolate
ISOLD - Isolated
JCTN - Junction
JTSTR - Jet stream
KFRST - Killing frost
KLYR - Smoke layer aloft
KOCTY - Smoke over city
KS - Kansas
KT - Knots
KY - Kentucky
LA - Louisiana
LABRDR - Labrador
LAT - Latitude
LCL - Local
LCLY - Locally
LCTD - Located
LCTN - Location
LCTMP - Little change in temperature
LEVEL - Level
LFM - Limited Fine Mesh Model
LFTG - Lifting
LGRNG - Long range
LGT - Light
LGTR - Lighter
LGWV - Long wave
LI - Lifted Index
LIS - Lifted indices
LK - Lake
LKS - Lakes
LKLY - Likely
LLJ - Low Level Jet
LLWS - Low Level Wind Shear
LLWAS - Low level wind shear alert system
LMTD - Limited
LMTG - Limiting
LMTS - Limits
LN - Line
LN - Lines
LO - Low
LONG - Longitude
LONGL - Longitudnal
LRG - Large
LRGLY - Largely
LRGR - Larger
LRGST - Largest
LST - Local standard time
LTD - Limited
LTG - Lightning
LTGCC - Lightning cloud-to-cloud
LTGCG - Lightning cloud-to-ground
LTGCCCG - Lightning cloud-to-cloud
LTGCW - Lightning cloud-to-water
LTGIC - Lightning in cloud
LTL - Little
LTLCG - Little change
LTR - Later
LTST - Latest
LV - Leaving
LVL - Level
LVLS - Levels
LWR - Lower
LWRD - Lowered
LWRG - Lowering
LYR - Layer
LYRD - Layered
LYRS - Layers
MA - Massachusetts
MAN - Manitoba
MAX - Maximum
MB - Millibars
MCD - Mesoscale discussion
MD - Maryland
MDFY - Modify
MDFYD - Modified
MDFYG - Modifying
MDL - Model
MDLS - Models
MDT - Moderate
MDTLY - Moderately
ME - Maine
MED - Medium
MEGG - Merging
MESO - Mesoscale
MET - Meteorological
METRO - Metropolitan
MEX - Mexico
MHKVLY - Mohawk Valley
MI - Michigan
MID - Middle
MIDN - Midnight
MIL - Military
MIN - Minimum
MISG - Missing
MLTLVL - Melting level
MN - Minnesota
MNLND - Mainland
MNLY - Mainly
MO - Missouri
MOGR - Moderate or greater
MOV - Move
MOVD - Moved
MOVG - Moving
MOVMT - Movement
MOVS - Moves
MPH - Miles per hour
MRGL - Marginal
MRGLLY - Marginally
MRNG - Morning
MRTM - Maritime
MS - Mississippi
MSG - Message
MSL - Mean sea level
MST - Most
MSTLY - Mostly
MSTR - Moisture
MT - Montana
MTN - Mountain
MTNS - Mountains
MULT - Multiple
MULTILVL - Multi-level
MXD - Mixed
N - North
NAB - Not above
NAT - North Atlantic
NATL - National
NAV - Navigation
NB - New Brunswick
NBND - Northbound
NBRHD - Neighborhood
NC - North Carolina
NCWX - No change in weather
ND - North Dakota
NE - Northeast
NEB - Nebraska
NEC - Necessary
NEG - Negative
NEGLY - Negatively
NELY - Northeasterly
NERN - Northeastern
NEWD - Northeastward
NEW ENG - New England
NFLD - Newfoundland
NGM - Nested Grid Model
NGT - Night
NH - New Hampshire
NIL - None
NJ - New Jersey
NL - No layers
NLT - Not later than
NLY - Northerly
NM - New Mexico
NMBR - Number
NMBRS - Numbers
NMC - National Meteorological Center
NML - Normal
NMRS - Numerous
NNE - North-northeast
NNELY - North-northeasterly
NNERN - North-northeastern
NNEWD - North-northeastward
NNW - North-northwest
NNWLY - North-northwesterly
NNWRN - North-northwestern
NNWWD - North-northwestward
NNNN - End of message
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric
NOPAC - Northern Pacific
NPRS - Nonpersistent
NR - Near
NRLY - Nearly
NRN - Northern
NRW - Narrow
NS - Nova Scotia
NTFY - Notify
NTFYD - Notified
NV - Nevada
NVA - Negative vorticity advection
NW - Northwest
NWD - Northward
NWLY - Northwesterly
NWRN - Northwestern
NWS - National Weather Service
NY - New York
NXT - Next
OAT - Outside Air Temperature OBND - Outbound
OBS - Observation
OBSC - Obscure
OBSCD - Obscured
OBSCG - Obscuring
OCFNT - Occluded front
OCLD - Occlude
OCLDS - Occludes
OCLDD - Occluded
OCLDG - Occluding
OCLN - Occlusion
OCNL - Occasional
OCNLY - Occasionally
OCR - Occur
OCRD - Occurred
OCRG - Occurring
OCRS - Occurs
OFC - Office
OFP - Occluded frontal passage
OFSHR - Offshore
OH - Ohio
OK - Oklahoma
OMTNS - Over mountains
ONSHR - On shore
OR - Oregon
ORGPHC - Orographic
ORIG - Original
OSV - Ocean station vessel
OTLK - Outlook
OTP - On top
OTR - Other
OTRW - Otherwise
OUTFLO - Outflow
OVC - Overcast
OVNGT - Overnight
OVR - Over
OVRN - Overrun
OVRNG - Overrunning
OVTK - Overtake
OVTKG - Overtaking
OVTKS - Overtakes
PA - Pennsylvania
PAC - Pacific
PBL - Planetary boundary layer
PCPN - Precipitation
PD - Period
PDS - Periods
PDMT - Predominant
PEN - Peninsula
PERM - Permanent
PGTSND - Puget Sound
PHYS - Physical
PIBAL - Pilot balloon observation
PIBALS - Pilot balloon reports
PIREP - Pilot weather report
PIREPS - Pilot weather reports
PLNS - Plains
PLS - Please
PLTO - Plateau
PM - Post meridian
PNHDL - Panhandle
POS - Positive
POSLY - Positively
PPINE - PPI no echoes
PPSN - Present position
PRBL - Probable
PRBLY - Probably
PRBLTY - Probability
PRECD - Precede
PRECDD - Preceded
PRECDG - Preceding
PRECDS - Precedes
PRES - Pressure
PRESFR - Pressure falling rapidly
PRESRR - Pressure rising rapidly
PRIM - Primary
PRIN - Principal
PRIND - Present indications are
PRJMP - Pressure jump
PROC - Procedure
PROD - Produce
PRODG - Producing
PROG - Forecast
PROGD - Forecasted
PROGS - Forecasts
PRSNT - Present
PRSNTLY - Presently
PRST - Persist
PRSTS - Persists
PRSTNC - Persistence
PRSTNT - Persistent
PRVD - Provide
PRVDD - Provided
PRVDG - Providing
PRVDS - Provides
PS - Plus
PSBL - Possible
PSBLY - Possibly
PSBLTY - Possiblity
PSG - Passage
PSN - Position
PSND - Positioned
PTCHY - Patchy
PTLY - Partly
PTNL - Potential
PTNLY - Potentially
PTNS - Portions
PUGET - Puget Sound
PVA - Positive vorticity advection
PVL - Prevail
PVLD - Prevailed
PVLG - Prevailing
PVLS - Prevails
PVLT - Prevalent
PWR - Power
QN - Question
QPFERD - NMC excessive rainfall discussion
QPFHSD - NMC heavy snow discussion
QPFSPD - NMC special precipitation discussion
QSTNRY - Quasistationary
QUAD - Quadrant
QUE - Quebec
R - Rain
RADAT - Radiosonde observation data
RAOB - Radiosonde observation
RAOBS - Radiosonde observations
RCH - Reach
RCHD - Reached
RCHG - Reaching
RCHS - Reaches
RCKY - Rocky
RCKYS - Rockies
RCMD - Recommend
RCMDD - Recommended
RCMDG - Recommending
RCMDS - Recommends
RCRD - Record
RCRDS - Records
RCV - Receive
RCVD - Received
RCVG - Receiving
RCVS - Receives
RDC - Reduce
RDGG - Ridging
RDR - Radar
RDVLP - Redevelop
RDVLPG - Redeveloping
RDVLPMT - Redevelopment
RE - Regard
RECON - Reconnaissance
REF - Reference
RES - Reserve
RGL - Regional Model
RGT - Right
RHINO - RHI not operative
RI - Rhode Island